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Ken's Plumbing | Blog

Is Your Washer Leaking from the Bottom? Here’s How to Fix It

Posted by Ken Flournoy on May 17, 2024 11:17:55 AM

If you asked homeowners about their “most dreaded plumbing nightmare,” leaks would likely top the list. Dealing with a leak means fixing or replacing a faulty hose or pump and addressing the “collateral damage,” aka mold, wall, or flooring damage. 

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Topics: Plumbing, Emergency, Pipes, Washing Machines, Plumbing Tips

Why Is My Washing Machine Overflowing?

Posted by Ken Flournoy on Jan 25, 2017 8:00:00 AM

Washing machine overflow is absolutely one of those worst-case scenarios you hope will never happen. Water all over the floor may seem like a fun slip-n-slide to your kids, but you already know the problem is going to be very messy... and expensive to fix.

We always say that the best offense in home plumbing is a good defense. Let's take a look at the causes of washer overload, before you're scrambling to call for help.

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Topics: Washing Machines

Washing Machine Cycles FAQs: Optimize Your Laundry Routine

Posted by Ken Flournoy on May 25, 2016 8:00:00 AM

Laundry day has come!

At this point, the world is divided into two types of people: those who just throw all their clothes in the washing machine, toss in some soap, and hope for the best, and those who separate everything, try to decipher the hieroglyphics on the tag and carefully follow the washing instructions to ensure each garment is treated with the utmost care.

While the second way is undoubtedly the right way to do laundry, we totally see why it's easier to just ignore what the tag says. Washing your clothes shouldn't be an exercise in mental ability, and this is where washing machine cycles come into play. To help you navigate these cycles with confidence, we've compiled answers to the most frequently asked questions, providing a comprehensive guide in one convenient place.

Read More in Our Other Guides:

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Topics: Plumbing, Washing Machines, Water Conservation