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Ken's Plumbing | Blog

Why Is My Garden Spigot Leaking?

Posted by Ken Flournoy on Mar 22, 2018 9:48:24 AM

Let us guess: this spring, when you finally got those first few seedlings planted, you went to turn on your hose to give them their first drink... and suddenly water started spurting out of the top of your spigot’s handle, watering you instead of your petunias.

You try re-fastening your hose to the spigot and tightening the handle, but no luck. You still get wet.

It was working fine last summer! you think. What happened?

Was this you? If so, how did we know? Actually, chances are there are a lot of people having this issue right now.

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Topics: Water, Water Conservation

Why Is My Toilet Running, and How Do I Fix It?

Posted by Ken Flournoy on Oct 12, 2017 9:32:54 AM

Tired of the sound of your toilet running long after you flush it? Not only is this common household plumbing issue annoying, but it can waste up to 200 gallons or more of water in a single day. That comes out to about wasted 6,000 gallons a month—waste that you have to pay for!

Thankfully, a running toilet is often a simple and inexpensive fix that many cases you can handle yourself. So stop throwing your money down the toilet and get ready for a little DIY home maintenance:

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Topics: Bathroom, Toilets, Water Conservation

Repairing a Leaky Kitchen Faucet

Posted by Ken Flournoy on Sep 28, 2017 10:13:01 AM

In a previous post, we covered how to repair a dripping tub faucet. Now we’re going to turn our attention to another common household issue—a leaky kitchen faucet!

In many cases, stopping an annoying drip for a kitchen faucet is simple enough for you to handle yourself without the help of a plumber. Here’s how to tackle it:

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Topics: Kitchen, Pipes, Water Conservation

How to Repair a Dripping Tub Faucet

Posted by Ken Flournoy on Aug 30, 2017 4:10:17 PM

Dripping tub faucet driving you crazy? Even if the incessant sound doesn’t keep you up at night, the constant drip can cause staining in your tub, plus waste water—up to 20 gallons a day!

Instead of letting that money go down the drain, take care of the problem right away. If you’re in the mood for a DIY project, grab your plumbing toolbox and get ready to do some work.

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Topics: Plumbing Hacks, Bathroom, Water Conservation

How to conserve water in your yard and garden

Posted by Admin on Apr 27, 2017 10:23:00 AM

Roses and irises are in bloom and on Saturdays the parking lots at local garden centers are jam-packed—gardening season is in full swing here in Greenville, SC!

Chances are if you’re the gardening type, you’ve gotten the bulk of this season’s planting work already done, and you’re moving into the maintenance stage of keeping up your yard.

Just because your lawn and flowers will need plenty of water this summer doesn’t mean your water bill needs to climb sky high. Here are some handy tips for conserving water in your yard so you can keep your wallet as happy as your plants!

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Topics: Water, Water Conservation

Washing Machine Cycles FAQs: Optimize Your Laundry Routine

Posted by Ken Flournoy on May 25, 2016 8:00:00 AM

Laundry day has come!

At this point, the world is divided into two types of people: those who just throw all their clothes in the washing machine, toss in some soap, and hope for the best, and those who separate everything, try to decipher the hieroglyphics on the tag and carefully follow the washing instructions to ensure each garment is treated with the utmost care.

While the second way is undoubtedly the right way to do laundry, we totally see why it's easier to just ignore what the tag says. Washing your clothes shouldn't be an exercise in mental ability, and this is where washing machine cycles come into play. To help you navigate these cycles with confidence, we've compiled answers to the most frequently asked questions, providing a comprehensive guide in one convenient place.

Read More in Our Other Guides:

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Topics: Plumbing, Washing Machines, Water Conservation