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Ken's Plumbing | Blog

Ken Flournoy

Ken Flournoy: Owner and Master Plumber. Born in Norfolk, Virginia, and raised as a Navy brat, Ken has lived all over the country, from Estill, South Carolina to Hawaii.

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What to Do When Your Kids Cause Toilet Problems

Posted by Ken Flournoy on Apr 15, 2019 1:42:34 PM

Although our children love to explore many rooms in our homes, the bathroom is almost irresistible, especially the toilet where a kid could flush and flush for hours, watching all of that water spin down the drain. Toilets can also be good storage devices for aquatic toys—or any toys for that matter. On top of that, the bathroom is the mandatory site for potty training, making the toilet not just a recreational object that stores toys, but also part of the rite to becoming a “big kid.”  Besides that, where does all that water go?

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Topics: Plumbing Hacks, Toilets

Bad Shower Habits That Ruin Your Plumbing

Posted by Ken Flournoy on Mar 28, 2019 4:02:00 PM

Our shower habits causing damage to our plumbing is probably not the first thing that comes to mind when you turn the knob to get the shower going, but the way we get ready every morning can have a big effect on our plumbing system. So, what are those things we do that can cause unwanted trouble? Here is a list of bad shower habits that can ruin your plumbing:

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Topics: Bathroom, Plumbing Tips

Your Spring Plumbing Maintenance Checklist

Posted by Ken Flournoy on Mar 19, 2019 3:06:32 PM

As spring approaches, it's time to think about a little more than just cleaning. The season is also a good time to assess and maintain your plumbing system. Regular maintenance can help to decrease the chances of serious problems with your system and prevent costly damage and a visit from a professional. Here is your spring plumbing maintenance checklist:

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Topics: Plumbing Tips

How to Stop Mold from Growing in Your Bathroom

Posted by Ken Flournoy on Mar 5, 2019 3:32:58 PM

Although keeping your bathroom clean is always necessary, did you know that it will not prevent mold? Mold is a function of high humidity, not cleanliness, and since the bathroom is one of the most humid rooms in our house—with the exception of the basement, perhaps—it is no surprise that our bathrooms are a haven for mold growth.

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Topics: Bathroom

How to Pet-Proof Your Plumbing

Posted by Ken Flournoy on Feb 14, 2019 3:22:00 PM

No doubt that we love our pets! They are part of the family, and like any family member, sometimes they can be a little bit of a handful. They can chew on a favorite toy or shoe, or they can scratch our floors and furniture. Although our furry friends don’t mean it, they can also cause a few issues with our plumbing if we are not aware. This happens because the effect they have on our system is not readily apparent. In order to keep our pipes and pets happy, we put together a list of tips to pet-proof your plumbing.

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Topics: Drains & Sewers, Plumbing Tips

What Are Ice Dams and How Do You Avoid Them?

Posted by Ken Flournoy on Jan 29, 2019 1:19:54 PM

Ice dams are a common winter phenomenon that causes damage to your home when the combination of warm air leaking from poor ventilation in your attic melts snow on your roof which then leaks and refreezes on your eaves. The ice dam can be even more dangerous if your gutter system is clogged. It is important to understand what ice dams are and learn how to prevent them because unchecked they can cause serious damage to your roof, gutters, interior drywall as well as paint and insulation on any exposed surface.

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Topics: Plumbing Tips

Does Rain Affect My Plumbing?

Posted by Ken Flournoy on Jan 22, 2019 3:05:33 PM

In short, yes.  Even in dry weather it is important to stay on top of any possible plumbing issues, but when the weather gets wet, it’s even more important to understand how rain, especially heavy rain, can affect your plumbing. This is the first step to avoiding and correcting issues as they arise—even preventing basement or crawl space flooding. Here are some ways that rain can affect your plumbing.

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Topics: Plumbing, Plumbing Tips

5 Plumbing Problems and How to Avoid Them

Posted by Ken Flournoy on Dec 27, 2018 9:50:00 AM

Plumbing problems are never a fun thing to deal with, especially when they come as a surprise. Sometimes it can be difficult to predict problems with your plumbing system because so much of it is behind walls or underground. However, with the right tips and tools, many plumbing issues can be delayed or avoided completely. Let's take a look at 5 plumbing problems and how to avoid them.

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Topics: Water Heaters, Garbage Disposals, Plumbing Tips

How to Know Whether to DIY or Call a Plumber

Posted by Ken Flournoy on Nov 30, 2018 10:55:05 AM

Do-It-Yourself projects, whether it's building your own furniture, installing new flooring, or fixing broken appliances, allow people to truly enjoy the sense of accomplishment and the money they saved by doing the project without professional help.

However, there are certain times when attempting to complete a project or repair on your own can be detrimental to you, your home, or both.

Today we're going to look at how you can tell whether a plumbing job can be done yourself, or if you should call in a professional plumber to handle it for you.

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Topics: Hiring a Plumber, Plumbing, Plumbing Tips

Plumbing 101: What Are the Different Parts of a Plumbing System?

Posted by Ken Flournoy on Oct 11, 2018 3:50:00 PM

Your home's plumbing system is essential to keeping your standard of living comfortable. If it's not working properly, you won't be able to shower, wash your hands, use the toilet, wash dishes, water the lawn, or run the washing machine. Plumbing systems are responsible for quite a bit; however, most people don't really know what their plumbing system is. They just turn the handle or press a button and expect the water to come out at the precise temperature and pressure they want.

As a homeowner, it's important to have a basic understanding of how your plumbing system works so that you can take better care of it and prevent costly breakdowns. Keep reading to learn the 3 major categories of your home's plumbing system.

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Topics: Plumbing, Pipes